Tuesday 7 November 2017

Sex as an Aspect of Life: check out the undeniable secrets of good Sex.

Sex is as important as life

Sex is an aspect of life. It’s about intimacy and pleasure aside reproduction; it’s a good recipe at all time both for you, your health and your relationship. It’s not only the act of having safe sex but also the act of reviving the fire in your marriage.

 Good sex always makes your world go round through its physical, intellectual, psychological, social and mental benefit. It is compulsory for lovers who need to become super genius by the reduction of stress and the initiation of good sleep after sex. It stimulates bonding through the release during orgasm.  It’s one of the secret to a long lasting relationship. it’s not only the best prescription for a healthy life but the best description for a happy one.

Good sex is like a melody to the soul, is the song that every heart sings. It makes the strong humble and has a magical way of adding color to your day. The thought of having a good sex after a stressful day makes the stress worth embracing. Any task that’s sealed with an act of good sex is always successful against all odds. The adventurous desire to always reach an orgasm makes that woman come back for more, anytime.

Some people may ask if sex can rekindle their relationship, yes of course. Sex is not all about removing cloths, lying down on the bed and waiting for the dude to come do some wonders on your body. It’s more than avoiding diseases or unplanned pregnancies. It’s simply the act of having an understanding that sex is as important as life.  Sex is a pressing need for everyone. Life would have been awful without the act of sex.

Sex is a beauty to behold, no wonder why great men of value are always brought to book due to one sex scandal or the other. It’s something every family should teach. Good sex builds a man’s ego, it reduces the ugly fantasy to cheat and it helps boost the confident on both sexes.

When a man begins to nag the reason most times it’s always traceable to lack of sexually satisfaction with the desire to remain faithful to his wife. Have you ever wondered why some men marry whores; it’s simply because they always want to get it anytime, anywhere without complains.

Good sex is not measurable to the size of your partner’s dick or the wideness of your woman’s pussy but on the level of intimacy, deep sexually arousal and the subconscious desire to travel to wonder world where nothing but peace exist.

Why is sex as important as life?

Life is only yours when you have it to live it. There are things that life needs to make it complete of which one is sex. Sex is not only good but it is very good for you. Let’s see why sex is good for you

Lowers blood pressure and heart attack: for some couple with busy schedule, sex is the fastest and easiest way to burn calories. To burn calories you need light exercise which is sex because it strengthens your muscles and builds your immune system. its recorded that people who are sexually active have less sick days than people who are not because physical fitness improve overall sexual performance. It also defends your body against germs, virus and diseases.  It reduces the risk of heart diseases, strokes and hypertension.  Your estrogen and testosterone level balances through an act of good sex. For woman when you have an orgasm it causes contraction in your muscles which strengthen your pelvic muscles.

Reduce prostate cancer: men who have sex everyday are less prone to prostate cancer due to frequent ejaculation. 

It also makes them more fertile by preparing the immune system for pregnancy.

It makes you a genius: after sex a hormone which helps you relax and get a good sleep is released thereby reducing stress and anxiety which also makes you a genius. Sex and intimacy boost couple’s confident, makes them happy, lessen pain and makes them look young. 

for inquires regards wellness and body fitness: contact Efeson Health Enterprises, Call @ 08179967473, 09029943632 and 08087379970. thanks   


  1. "Sex is not only the act of having safe sex but also the act of reviving the fire in your marriage."

    Will write that in my 📝 pad, and show it to my wife when eventually I get married... 😂

    Thanks for edifice!

  2. Steven Ifejianyi8 November 2017 at 00:22

    "Good sex is a melody to the soul, its a song that every heart sings" that particularly strikes me

  3. I should start dreaming of marriage now. i hope to get there soon
