Monday 30 October 2017

Why You Are Not Enjoying Sex.

Sex is a communication between two people with the motive of satisfying one another sexually. Sex is a beautiful thing, the foreplay, deep kissing and the talk dirty process. It makes your whole world go round. What then happens when it’s the opposite? The woman is angry after sex or the man prefers to masturbate because he has lost confident due to the fact that his penis does not stand (does not get erection) despite all the foreplay, kissing, fondling etc. when this occurs, it is called Erectile Dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction can be defined as when a man finds it very difficult to get or maintain an erection. This is the most embarrassing moment in a man’s life. There is nothing as frustrating as a man who has lost his confident simply because he cannot get an erection. This can be physiological or psychological.

Physiological erectile Dysfunction is simply the deterioration of the arteries which is caused by excessive smoking, Diabetes, alcoholism, overweight and Hormone problems. While psychological erectile Dysfunction is caused by job related stress, anxiety just because you feel you’re not satisfying your partner well, heart break and money issues.  Child abuse and excessive masturbation can cause erectile dysfunction.
Even if your problem is hereditary, child abuse, physiological or psychological. We have a solution for you. The use of a product can help solve and make your partner come begging for more. The beauty of this product is that it makes your dick stand as long as you want enjoy it ( man power) and still cures other sexually transmitted diseases.  For order call 08179967473 or 09029943632.

Another reason most women do not enjoy sex is because of vaginal dryness. Vaginal dryness causes pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse which most times affect your relationship. Some men will not get an erection simply because of the way you complain after sex. This occurs when the tissue in the vagina it’s not well lubricated and healthy. Vaginal dryness can lead to itching, burning and painful intercourse. Reasons for vaginal dryness

Pills: contraceptive pills suppress both your estrogen and your testosterone. To avoid vagina dryness please stop all contraceptive like condoms, post pill etc

Smoking: ladies please stop smoking marijuana because it does not only make your mouth dry, it also makes your vagina very dry thereby making sex painful.

Douching/ detox as tightening treatment: douching is simply the use of water and vinegar to tighten the vagina. Please avoid the use of harsh tightening soap or anything to cleanse or tighten the vagina. It also causes infection. For some people who like initiating things (use of objects) during self sex please avoid putting anything into your vagina as it causes infection and dryness. Vinegar is very bad; avoid it. Douching causes an infection called vaginal flora which makes it favorable for the growth of bacteria. It causes cervical cancer and pelvic inflammatory diseases and pregnancy complications. The acidity nature of the vagina will naturally control bacteria. Please use Warm water to wash it.

Menopause: menopause makes sexually intercourse very painful. This is one of the reason our sugar daddy’s look for younger girls.( continuous complain over painful sex) men hate it when their women complain so much about something they have spent their time and energy especially as it relates sexual pleasure.

To get a product that will make you enjoy great sex while in menopause or before menopause place an order for the best product in our store by calling the phone number +2348179967473, +2349029943632, 08087379970 for all your home delivery from Efeson Enterprise. Thanks 


  1. Well i enjoy the stuff i read here. I really want to be a sex machine but my new wife always come up with excuses of job, tiredness,church etc and this kind of stuffs pisses me. Anyway i don't know what the to say but God knows the best

  2. We can talk to her if u want us to. Okay... Its a need

  3. This is serious. What do you mean by child abuse causing erectile dysfunction. please explain.
