Tuesday 7 November 2017

Deal with the Beast.

From creation we were thought that the beautiful Garden of Eden had the tree of life and the tree of death with a man who was in charge of everything living and non-living therein. The question is can a beautiful garden have the tree of life and that of death? If yes how? Can something that is good have a bad side? If no, what then makes it beautiful?  

The garden simply represents the mind of a man. The mind of men is full of the good and the ugly but it only takes the man in charge to instruct his mind as he pleases. What are you feeding your mind with? What you feed your mind will surly determine how far you will go in life.     

The beast in you is simply those negative thoughts, complains and unplanned wishes. Everyone has fear inside of them, people complain of bad government, bad friends, complain is like an aspect of life for most people. Everyone has a beast inside of them but it only takes a disciplined instructor to direct the affairs of his life.

Your life is a product of how you live, what you say, what you doing, what you think and the analysis of all the actions and steps you have taken so far. The rules of life states that you get what you give, you give before you get and you’re a product of what you have given. The question is, what are you giving? What have you given?

The beast tells you that you don’t have anything to give,  you not beautiful, you don’t have what it takes, you handicapped, oh you have failed, you’re a failure, you can’t marry, nobody loves you etc ( this is the product of a man with a chicken heart). These are all lies because talklatalk love and care’s so much about you that’s the reason why it came besides Napoleon hills says “the defeat is not defeated until the defeat considers defeat as a reality”. You become a defeat when your mind is defeated.  You a product of your garden therefore guide your garden with the best securities because your destiny is shaped in your garden.

How then can we deal with the beast.

Live above your inabilities: the word inability does not exist because life is a function of interest. Instead of using the word inability use the word not interested. Inability puts limits in a man’s life. Inability mentality is a dream killer; it’s a poison to the soul. the "I don’t have what it takes mentality" is the reason why many people have not tried, have stopped trying and are in poverty.

There is a saying “quits never win and its only losers who think that winners never lose”. If winners lose, it means that those who don’t quit after several loses end up becoming the champions.

 People complain about what they do not have but they have done nothing with what they have. The moment we start complaining over things we do not have, we lose ourselves. Inferiority complex is the greatest thief of destiny.

Focus more on what you have and acquire what you don’t have. The beauty in every broken piece is that it makes your life beautiful and also makes other people’s life awesome. The ugly stories behind success is what makes it interesting and worth embracing. You don’t need to receive more to acquire your potential; you only need to discover what works for you and be good at it.

Live above your problems: any man without a problem is a dead man. Our life is measured by the number of problems we have solved because the more problem we solve in any area of jurisdiction the higher our level of intelligence. The best way to get solutions is to live above your problems; you only live above your problem by staying positive.

Worries, complains and depression have never solved any problem. Why waste your time in it. The best companies in the world today were born out of recession. It’s a proof that the beast can become the most beautiful if you faint not. Stop talking about the problem, talk about the solutions because the moment you speak something out you give birth to it. If you want to be happy solve your problem from the root.

Encourage people in the same situation: as I earlier stated “you become what you teach”.  The only way to become it is by living it. When you encourage people in the same situation you’re simply encouraging yourself. Solution comes at ease because what is applicable to one is applicable to all. The more of other people’s problems we solve the more confident we become.

 You can organize seminars, write or even do a video just to showcase your experience, you will be amazed at the number of lives you will affect. The best way to learn from experience is by learning from other people’s experience. When you encourage other people you learn, when you learn you grow and when you grow you simply outgrow your problems.

Be happy: happiness is contagious. Run from negative and unhappy people. They’re fault finders and dream killers. They make life difficult. Surround yourself with happy positive people especially those who strengthen your course. The more mature you become the more you carefully choose your friends. You’re an average of 70% of the company you keep and a company of the wise makes wise respectively.

Don’t pamper the beast; kick him out before it kicks you out. What you refuse to give attention to comes back to fight you; what you refuse to Confront becomes your most difficult enemy. Give attention to the beast by defeating it and confront it by taking charge. Guide your mind because it is where your destiny is shaped. let your faith be stronger than the loudness of your beast.


  1. The question is, what are you giving? What have you given?

    I am giving hope to the down-trodden. I stand in the gap and intercede for others.

    As Jesus Christ is, so am I; I am love, peace, joy, guider...

