Wednesday 18 October 2017

Why she is not pregnant

The beauty of pregnancy lies in the transformation of a cell into an entirely human being. The ups and downs of pregnancy on different intervals make it worth celebrating. Both new and old couple who have desire to conceive becomes anxious especially when their effort seem abortive. Researcher’s states that only 1 out of 5 couple have success in their first month of trying to have a baby and 20% of them won’t get lucky during their first year of trials. Reasons why she is not pregnant
Poor nutrition:  some men ignore the importance good nutrient during the time of conception. This is absolutely wrong. Health is wholeness. A healthy man produces healthy children and it all start with what you eat, drink and your environment. If you want your partner to get pregnant stay away from soy and dairy. like wheat, snacks, butter etc feed more on vegetables, fruits and multivitamins because it bolster your sperm count and motility.
Constant masturbation: any guy hoping to have a child or to impregnate his partner must stop masturbating for weeks leading to their attempt of conception. If you can’t stay for weeks please lay off masturbating for at least 3 to 5 days before meeting your spouse
Smoking, hard drugs and drinking alcohol: smoking cigarettes hurts a man’s ability to reproduce. Dr. Tobias Kohler, M.D Chief of Southern Illinois University’s fertility and IVF center says that the same could be said for those guys with a regular pot habit. He also said that the circulatory problems arising from smoking anything like inhaling Toxins from Marijuana that ends up in your blood stream could negatively affect your chances of conceiving.
When the hole at the tip of your penis is not in the right spot: most men don’t even notice this, it is medically wise to observe your body and ask your doctor some vital questions about your health. If the hole at the top of your penis is not located well down the underside of your shaft towards your testicles then you have a problem. This makes it impossible for you to reach your partners cervix and egg.  For more information see your Doctor

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