Monday 13 November 2017

The Anatomy of Love

When there is an intense energy to be with someone special, loss of appetite over someone, mood swings, separation anxiety, intrusive thinking and intense motivation for emotional union then you’re in love people.

Love is the language that every good heart speaks, it’s a reflex, it comes in with a rush, and it drives you. Sometime ago, someone asked me “TalkLaTalk” how do you know when you’re in love”? I answered in the affirmative; I know when I’m in love when people start asking if I’m crazy. It’s a sign that true love makes you do strange things without you knowing it because love is like a thirst. In the world of love everything is blissful. Shakespeare said “love is blind and lovers cannot see”. If love is blind, why all the breakup, complaints, divorce and cheating etc?. Then, it all boils down to the small but powerful mystery of UNDERSTANDING

Understanding as it implies, is standing under the truth, you only stand under the truth you have knowledge about. Nobody can change the truth despite the fact that sometimes it may not be favourable, truth is always unique and very expensive because if it’s cheap there will be no need to fight for its integrity. The truth is that love is a natural addiction and treating it like an addiction helps a lot.

Love means different things to different people, yet, we cry over others’ perspective. Many times we desire public acceptance, societal norms and peer trends. This is Something we don’t have control over because we can’t think for another person. The beauty of every broken piece is that it always makes you a star if you faint not. Breakups are horrible but controllable experiences. Every broken body heals when the right doctor appears. When you’re in love life is switched off… everything is switched off.

Personally, I have been heartbroken, rejected and wrongly accused but it never and will never have negative effect on me because I have learnt the biggest type of love is the one you have for yourself. You have to love yourself before you can love another because you only give what you have.

Is true love scare?

Jesus Christ is the only perfect gentleman and there is yet to be a perfect woman. Marriage is all about creation, adjustments, remolding, understanding and love. True love is not scarce since Jesus is the only perfect man and there is no award for the best wife on earth.

Some people give their time, energy and resources to the wrong person and they expect a positive result with the mentality that he/she will change. This is absolute stupidity!  Repeated mistake is a direct proves of stupidity. Never love anyone with the mentality that he/she will change, you only make them pretend, the moment pretence ends, they lose value of themselves and hate you instead. Walk away from any relationship that doesn’t worth the fight before it defeats you. Waiting for a change is not true love. True love is acceptance, it finds no wrong.

Reasons why you think true love is scare.

Old Baggages: When you live in the past, you lose the wonders of the future. Many people are single today because they refused to kiss their past goodbye. If you cling to someone else’s feeble decision about you, then you seriously need a Doctor! I stopped crying over people’s opinion of me when I realized that talk is free. Infact, the western world has made talking free by introducing democracy. To embrace true love unwrap your hands around your past. See! You can’t be everything to everybody so therefore forgive them, forgive yourself and believe in your future. Unshakeable confident in the future overwhelms any concern for failure. Be smarter, smart people don’t live a pitiable life because they never run out of better options.

Motive: your motive determines your belief system, your belief system makeup your decision and your decision determines how you will act for the rest of your life. Stop seeing every young man or woman as a heartbreaker, breakups is supposed to build you. Delete every negative perspective you have for the opposite sex and enlarge your heart of understanding. Create what you want to see in your relationship; don’t force things to happen it only makes you desperate. Desperation is not attractive. Stop revenging on innocent people to avoid losing the right person.

Overlooked mistakes: After breakup everyone takes turns, nobody wants to accept their mistakes. Mistake is an aspect of life; you grow with mistake when you learn from it. Accepting your mistake and that of other’s is the first step of maturity. Analyze your mistake by checking your manner of implantation, identifying the obstacles that needs to be removed. No mistake is little. Use your mistake as a springboard to the right action. Learn to forgive unintentional mistakes. Instead of counting mistakes count achievement.  Be contented with what you have, it’s your fault if you’re not getting what you desire so therefore create the change you desire.

Appreciate your identity: You cannot embrace the future with the mentality of the past. Anyone who left could not stay maybe he/she couldn’t catch up with your pace and standards. Be you! Don’t loose your guards. Remember they will never drop an ounce of theirs for you if tables were turned round. You deserve what you desire. You haven’t asked for too much. Pals, you can have it, put your head up! You are not a loser!!! Be yourself.

Trials and errors is a great sign that the equation will be balanced at last. The more the trials the more closely you are to your promise land. Nevertheless the strongest battle is always fought by the strongest soldiers. Treat breakups like death because it is inevitable. Never stop loving; it is the food of the soul.

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