Saturday 23 December 2017

A man who was once thought to have the world’s largest penis has branded the new record-holder a cheat

 Man with world's second largest penis says man with world's largest penis is a cheat
Jonah Falcon, 47, who claims to have a 13.5inch penis, says the fact that Roberto Esquivel Cabrera used weights to stretch his penis to 19 inches means his claim is not real.
His comments come after Roberto admitted to spending his life trying to make his penis bigger.

The 47-year-old, from New York, told The Sun Online: ‘His penis isn’t 19 inches. Doctors have acknowledged this and said he could have a normal sex life if he is essentially circumcised.

‘I think it’s ridiculous and he seems kind of desperate. No matter how big he is, it’s not going to change the fact that I’m 13.5inches.’

Jonah added that he wasn’t bothered by Roberto’s claims, adding: ‘If you can’t use it, what good is it for?’
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Roberto hit headlines in 2015 when a video surfaced of him weighing his huge member to prove that it is real.

Unfortunately, he is unable to have sex and suffers regular urine infections due to his size.

He was also recently registered as disabled because he can’t wear uniforms or kneel and is now receiving benefits to help him live while he tries to find a solution to his problem.

But Roberto still maintains that he wants to keep his large penis.

He said in 2015: ‘I am famous because I have the biggest penis in the world. I am happy with my penis, I know nobody has the size I have.

‘I would like to be in the Guinness Book of Records but they don’t recognise this record.’

Doctors have urged him to consider a reduction, with Dr Jesus David Salazar Gonzalez saying: ‘We have advised him: “Mr Roberto, the best thing for you is that the doctors give a normal shape to your penis so that it doesn’t hurt you, in order to have sexual relationships, in order to have children”.
 Image result for pictures of man with the biggest penis and the second biggest
 ‘But he doesn’t accept it, he’d rather have a penis bigger than the rest of the people.’
Jonah became famous after he appeared in a HBO documentary Private D***s: Men Exposed.

He added: ‘I’m not competing with anybody, at least not directly. It’s not going to change who I am and what I have and in my eyes, it’s kind of pathetic.’

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