Thursday 26 October 2017


Taking charge of your money is the first step towards taking charge of your man has ever had his personal house in order when his financial house is in disarray. The beauty of money depends on the level of investment and a crucial understanding of money based on the information received on any area of interest. Saving money is good but building wealth is perfect. Saving money is basically associated with mediocre while building wealth is associated with entrepreneurs. What you value has a lot to do with how you build your wealth. The difference between building wealth and saving money lies in the power of sacrifice, creativity and discipline. Avoid saving money rather invest money. Let’s see how money works:
Earn before you spend: hard work have no substitute because your work determines your worth and what you don’t work for walks you out. There is no perfect time to build wealth yea you can start from where you are. Stop waiting for time and chance because it will never come. You earn the moment you make up your mind to build wealth. It’s so amazing how people spend money they never worked for wow that’s the sweetest money because when you work for something you understand the value notwithstanding you can invest money even when it is not yours. This type of money is called other people’s my next article we will be talking on how to leverage on other people’s money. If you spend all your salary in paying debt at the end of every month you are spending without earning by so doing you won’t be able to take opportunities because we don’t spend to grow big, we invest to grow big. Always plan around what you have no matter how small. In other wards do not spend beyond your income.
Adopt a formula: how informed you are in your area of interest will determine how far you will go and your duration there. You cannot have a formula when there is no adequate information on what you do. After you’re acquainted with the product and services you want to render then adopt a formula that works for you towards how you manage, spent and invest your money and be disciplined.
Do not plan your life around other people’s money: hope is good when it’s dependent on what you can do. Planning your life around other people is the reason why many are in poverty today. It doesn’t matter who, your daddy, brother, sister, boss, pastor etc. stop planning around people’s money to avoid betrayal, frustration and death. The people you’re planning your life around their money meant be in debt or they may not even notice you exist, you only exist in their world of promises. People complain of what they do not have but they forget that they have done nothing with what they have. Do something with the little you have and be strong enough to believe in yourself.
Avoid people who give you fish without teaching you how to fish: anybody who pities your situation without preferring solution should not be a friend. As I earlier said friendship in business is beneficial. Anybody that give you fish without teaching you how to fish has something to hide. He is looking for slaves not partners, avoid him rather hang around those who strengthen your course as it is the best for you.  You get the best transfer from people you do not like find them and be humble enough to learn from them. We will be writing on the act of service soon, it will explain it better.
Money is a reward (get rich quick is an oxymoron): the law of Effection states that the more lives you affect in an entry you control, in scale or magnitude the richer you become. Money is a reward for meeting needs. It doesn’t matter how small or large but make sure you need at least five needs every day. Areas where you can meet needs are
Needs in the market place
Pain point
Service deficiencies
  Despite these there are three basic needs of a man namely:
Physical needs
Spiritual needs
Emotional needs
Make sure you solve at least five needs in any area of your interest. It enables you understand how things work and what works for you. We will elaborate more on this in our next article.

Thanks from talklatalk.