Saturday 14 October 2017

How to start a business without money

The best approach to start a business is to think of it as though you are learning a new language. The quest for new language begins most times when people want to communicate better. Market is a forum where people meet to communicate about needs it’s simply the collections of individual representing either themselves or the institutions that employed them. Starting a business without money is achievable when you are either representing yourself by showcasing your talents or representing other people by acquiring skills. Despite the great talents and skills you will require an action plan which needs total commitment to make it work. These are as fellows
       Get an idea: ideas are a leader’s true wealth that’s why they never die; ideas keep the world moving by giving it hope. Nothing can take the place of ideas because they are potential wealth. Ideas begin from your mind; it’s a picture you create in your mind that brings out the reflection of your worth. Get an idea that works, drives you and stretches you and the idea you have a good understanding of that’s the best way to discover who you are. Discover your idea by finding your voice. When you find your voice then start a song. Every song worth singing is embedded in our talent but idea of what to sing is what makes us stars. No idea is small or too big, it only depends on its value. Nobody was born empty the difference in individuals lies in their orientation, experience and research
   Types of idea
       Long term: having a good understanding of where you are now, where you’re going and where you ought to be makes our journey in life easy. Action plan only works for those who stick to the plan. Big idea is not for everyone but for anyone who dares to have one is actually a star in process. Long term idea or the big picture as the name goes is a big idea that needs other ideas to bring to light. This idea does not see the size of your pocket or your credential but it sees your potential and your willingness based on what you do daily to bring it to light. To achieve this idea you need to change your plan not the goal by breaking it into different bits until it’s achieved. These crumbs are called the short term idea.
      Short term: these ideas are simply the sharp sharp idea. It’s an idea you need for daily living. Its idea that enables you wait, plan and use to achieve other ideas. This is the most powerful idea because everything you will need is dependent on this idea. It’s the bedrock of other ideas. It’s a type of idea that you plan based on what’s available to you. E.g. how much you earn, what you can do and what you need to be doing… this type of idea gives hope to the big picture by the type of strategy it employs. Most people neglect the power of this idea because they only see the big picture but they forget that little things in life matter because if you cannot get the little done how then can you get the big ones? To avoid frustration and regret see through the eye of a needle, these are the opportunities you see every day that seem small but are mighty when processed. Cultivate a mind-set that sees business/opportunity in everything you do, That’s the best strategy to escape from poverty.
      Leverage: the earlier we eradicate the “I can do it on my own” mentality the better our lives. This is because everything you will get in life must come to you through transfer. In a world of business, friendship or relationship should be beneficial. If you claim to be my friend and you don’t have any positive impact in my life that relation should be weighed. Maturity starts with being selective because the more selective you are the more valuable you would become. Leverage is simply an act of using something to maximum advantage. This thing could be other people’s business, ideas, talent and money. To utilize this you need to establish a relationship with them based on the interest or goal. Sell something of value to them, create an atmosphere to be loved with all sincerity and make sure they find it difficult to do without in that way the secrets of their success will be yours. Learn from their challenges and improve on their success. In my next article I will be talking on service… service is the easiest way to get a transfer or leverage because you become what you serve. Don’t do this selfishly because the way you handle other people’s business will determine how you will handle yours. Serve with all your heart, be patience even if you need to extend your days of service, do it because it’s the short cut to personal development.
     Train people: the fastest way to improve on what you learn is to teach it. People neglect free services but they forget that there is nothing free in free town. The people you offer services to are actually your first customers. I call them your specimen. Use them to advertise your business. Customers like free things and discounts, you can implore this strategy. To start business without money you must build people then the people will build the business and the more you teach people the more you become what you teach them.  Number one rule in business is “give before you take” what are you giving? What you give determines what you take.
       Establish: there is nothing wrong with starting small but there is a big problem with remaining small. To avoid remaining small you have to develop a capacity to build wealth by drawing charts, making extra investment as it relates to you. There is a saying that if you want money work hard but if wants more money work harder. Diversity in business is profitable when the existing one is productive, learning a new language is good but the confidence to speak the language is better because no one knows a man unless he speaks. scared money never wins and no one ever establishes without confidence. Confidence is built through study and application. If you cannot influence your street how then can you influence the world? It starts by being proud of what you do and the method you employ in offering what you do.  The greatest people in the world are those who establish to dominate. In our next article we will be writing on how to dominate the market in recession.

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