Saturday 14 October 2017


   Poverty is the ultimate reason for the backwardness in Africa despite the fact Africans claim to be very hard-working. Some people also claim that they do not have enough facilities or technology to enhance their education while others blame the government for all the tragedy in their various countries. These are some of the reasons why you are still poor, that’s also the reason Africa have the highest number of educated, highly skilled and intelligent poor people. The moment we start giving excuses rather than accept responsibilities then gradually we sign up for poverty. Queen Victoria said that “failure, the possibilities do not exist”. The word failure here simply means poverty. Why? because it is a mind-set while Success is simply having a desire, knowing what to do, staying by it and taking proper action to make it work. Success only comes to those who are success conscious. You need to take responsibilities for your life that is the first step to maturity. These are the reasons why you poor;
·        Isolation: when we neglect the power of transfer we neglect the power of service and when we neglect the power of information we also neglect the power of communication. Everything you need in life either negative or positive will come to you through a transfer. To get a transfer you need to serve. You serve to be informed, and you communicate better when you are duly informed.  Isolation is a gradual process to the grave. A lot of people are living but they are dead or walking corpse because they neglect the power of information. If money was an ATM machine, information is the master card to that ATM. Isolation is deadly because it keeps you in your comport zone, it makes you feel like you don’t need people that you can do it on your own. It makes you live in mediocrity. Run from it, you can never be rich in isolation. If you don’t associate with people, who are you going to serve? Animals? Even animals needs to be served. Everything needs your services to function effectively. You have to break the chains of isolation and embrace information, team work and effective communication. That’s the way to know what’s trending in your business, office and environment. The world moves and time is limited. Don’t forget the phrase that says “change will never change until you change”. You need a change by transforming your mind to be success conscious.
·        Over Sabi or knowing too much: if the meek will inherit the earth, it means that the earth belongs to those who are teachable. The word “Too much” is actually a negative statement. Anything that is too much makes one uncomfortable and causes harm. Learn to be informed, learn to understand and learn to lead. The more you learn the more you change because you lose relevance when you stop learning.  There is always a sense in every non-sense. Nothing is yet in its perfect state. Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expects a different result. If you think you know too much and you’re still poor it’s either you don’t know anything, you know the wrong things or you’re not applying what you know. Humility is the ability to subject yourself to be taught irrespective of the level you’ve attained in life. Stop being proud and start learning, the future belongs to those who are training themselves today.
·        How money works:  taking charge of your money is first step to taking charge of your life. No man has ever had his personal house in order whose financial house is in disarray. Every dream must answer the question of how; how is the application of information obtained in order to acquire good result. the school system didn’t teach us financial education, emotional intelligence and personal development that’s the reason managers lose their job, people’s business crash and companies close down after many years of rendering adequate services. If you want to be rich, go read the biography of the rich. In the school of money there is no graduation. The bigger the money the higher your level. Money is the reward for rendering service. The amount of money you have is traceable to the number of lives you’ve impacted. Money is not everything but the understanding of money is everything. Hard work won’t make you wealthy but taking control of your money will. says” Time is limited, energy makes the difference and resource is the answer”. Go and get understanding to unleash the inner lion.