Thursday 23 November 2017

Woman raises $100,000 for a homeless man who helped her with $20 when she ran out of cash to buy gas.

Woman raises $100,000 for homeless veteran who gave her his last $20

Kate Mcclure started the GOFUNDME campaign for Jonny Bobbit Jr 34 who helped her when she ran out of cash to buy gas in Philadelphia.

Bobbit came to her rescue and walked a few blocks with her and bought the petrol for her because she didn’t have any money on her.

She started a fundraiser with the hopes of using the money toward housing and other expenses. She said

‘I wish that I could do more for this selfless man, who went out of his way just to help me that day,’ she wrote on the fundraising page. ‘Truly believe that all Johnny needs is one little break. Hopefully with your help I can be the one to give it to him.’

Donations started coming as she has already raised him $100,000 with about 2000 people who have given into the campaign by Wednesday.

Here’s what she said on her fundraising page: ‘Driving into Philly one night, I made the mistake of thinking that I would be able to make it all the way down I- 95 with my gas light on.

‘Needless to say, I was wrong. I never ran out of gas before, and my heart was beating out of my chest. I pulled over as far as I could, and got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station.

‘That’s when I met Johnny. Johnny sits on the side of the road every day, holding a sign. He saw me pull over and knew something was wrong. He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors.

‘A few minutes later, he comes back with a red gas can. Using his last 20 dollars to make sure I could get home safe.

‘Johnny did not ask me for a dollar, and I couldn’t repay him at that moment because I didn’t have any cash, but I have been stopping by his spot for the past few weeks. I repaid him for the gas, gave him a jacket, gloves, a hat, and warm socks, and I give him a few dollars every time I see him.

‘I wish that I could do more for this selfless man, who went out of his way just to help me that day. He is such a great guy, and talking to him each time I see him makes me want to help him more and more.

‘One day I stopped to see him and had a few things in a bag to give him, one of which was a box of cereal bars so he could have something that he could carry around and eat. He was very appreciative as usual and the first thing he said was “do you want one?” Another time I dropped off 2 wawa gift cards and a case of water.. the first words that came out of his mouth were “I can’t wait to show the guys” (there are 2 others he hangs out with and they all take care of each other). If just those 2 statements alone do not give you a glimpse of the good heart this man has I’m not sure anything will.

‘I am raising money for Johnny. With the money, I would like to get him first and last month’s rent at an apartment, a reliable vehicle, and 4-6 months worth of expenses. He is very interested in finding a job, and I believe that with a place to be able to clean up every night and get a good night’s rest, his life can get back to being normal.

‘Truly believe that all Johnny needs is one little break. Hopefully with your help I can be the one to give it to him.

‘Please help this man get into a home. It is already getting so cold out in Philadelphia, and I can’t imagine what it will be like to be out there all winter. Any little bit will help.’

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